
Friday, April 1, 2011

EOBR * USA - Senators introduce bill to mandate Electronic on Board Registers for commercial vehicles

(Photo: Highway safety advocates and trucking industry executives have expressed support for the bill’s provision which requires mandatory electronic on-board devices)
Washington,DC,USA -The Trucker News Services -31 March 2011: -- U.S. Senators Mark Pryor, D-Ark, and Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., on Thursday introduced legislation designed to improve highway safety by requiring commercial truckers to use devices that accurately monitor their hours on the job... Pryor’s news release says, this legislation would create a consistent standard to help companies and drivers manage the safety and compliance risks associated with trucking... The Commercial Driver Compliance Improvement Act requires universal installation of electronic on-board recording devices in commercial motor vehicles. The Department of Transportation will be responsible for issuing the regulations...  The tamper-resistant devices must be capable of communicating with the engine’s control module, indentifying the individual operating the vehicle, recording driving time, providing real-time recording of a vehicle’s location and enabling law enforcement to access the information contained in the device during roadside inspections... The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association objects to the legislation, as well as a similar regulatory proposal in the works...

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