
Friday, January 13, 2012

Snow Day

Open my eyes start to get out of bed. 
Throw back the curtains to see a white spread! 
I feel like I’m ten, it has snowed once again! 
Let’s go have some fun! The day’s only begun!  

The severe weather warnings started two days before the actual weather began. For once, all of the TV weathermen were in agreement. There was a chance of snow; A lot of snow. Out here, even if there is a 50% chance of anything there is a 50% chance that nothing will happen. If it does happen though, it usually makes an impact. On this day, almost ten and a half inches of the cold white stuff fell!
What a forecast!

The climate here is mostly considered desert. In fact, right now Texas is in a severe drought. Where I live there have been burn bans and water restrictions for almost a year. So, any kind of moisture is welcome. But, because snow is so uncommon, even a sprinkling can shut the area down.
Snow snow snow!
When my alarm went off at 5:30 it was raining. But it quickly turned to sleet. My husband works for a school district so he was out early, checking roads to make sure it would be safe for buses to transport students. I had a headache that wouldn’t quit so I called in to work and said I’d make it in by noon. Then I went back to sleep.

Snow covered trees at the house
Around 9:00 I woke up again. My phone dinged with a text and my husband said it was getting bad and he didn’t want me to go in to work. It’s a 45 mile drive for me, usually clear and easy but when it’s bad…it’s bad. I had a presenter who was supposed to be flying in so I emailed work and asked my secretary to call her. I was told we were closing because it was so bad. Soon the news reports, with all the early closings, were pouring in. It was official. It was a snow day!

Views from the front of the house
Views from the back of the house
The snow fell most of the day. We ended up with about six inches. It was so pretty and peaceful! Everything was covered in a shiny white carpet. Funny thing, it was snowing but the sun was beginning to come out and it was melting, all at the same time. I didn’t go outside, much anyway, and I didn’t build a snowman. I just enjoyed the chill in the air and the beauty of the change. I love when it snows, especially if I don’t have to get out. And I can wear knitted things!
About 5 inches and still snowing!

This is the third snow in a very short time. There are reports that there’s been more out here than in Chicago! As they say in Texas, if you don’t like the weather, wait 15 minutes and it will change! Sure enough, by the next morning, the road to work was passable. One lane of the highway still had icy spots but all else was clear. There were several signs of the storm on the interstate, skid marks, stranded cars and missing guard rails, but other than that it was a normal travel day. By afternoon there were places where you would never have known there had been a snow storm! Only the standing puddles were evidence of the wild weather the days before. On the third day, it was almost completely gone, melted into the ground. Maybe it won’t be the last snow this winter. We need any moisture we can get. Hopefully it will be enough to make spring a little greener!

Snow covered pump jack-Picture by Brook Hudson
I’ll see this through, I will turn my hands blue. 
Mister snowman, my heart is beating for you! 

I’m to the point that I’ll take a snow day (or almost any other excuse!) so as not to have to go to the office. When the kids were little we’d go out and play. But I don’t really like getting cold and wet anymore, so I just puttered around and entertained myself. I knitted, put away some Chirstmas, got some things ready for the trip on the weekend and just took it easy. There was a lot I could have done. I just didn’t.
Christmas yarn...what to make?

I got some really pretty yarn for Christmas, from Bryce and more from a friend, so I’ve been contemplating what I’ll make with it. Ravelry is a fun pastime. Then there is Pinterest. Yes, there was a lot I could have done on this snow day!

It’s a school day, school is closed. 
Gonna go outside and make a snowman there. 
Wanna join me in the field?

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