
Saturday, May 28, 2011

WEATHER TROUBLES * USA - Storms continue a rampage; hundreds remain missing in Joplin

Severe storms and vicious tornadoes continued to wreak havoc on communities in the Midwest and throughout the nation

 (Photo by Nikohle Ellis)
Joplin, MO,USA -Land Line Magazine -May 27 2011:  --  This truck was damaged, but still sunnyside up after a tornado ripped through Sedalia, MO. The owner is John McFail Jr. of Houstonia, MO...  At least three people were killed in the Atlanta area by storms this week. Tornadoes killed at least 16 people in Kansas, Oklahoma and Arkansas on Tuesday and Wednesday. 3-year-old Ryan Hamil’s body was found Thursday morning along a lakeshore near his home in Piedmont, OK...  The boy’s 15-month-old brother, also died during the tornado, and the AP reported that his sister and mother were injured...  The damage in last week’s Minneapolis tornado, which claimed one life and decimated hundreds of homes, is estimated at $166 million...  The Missouri Department of Public Safety is keeping a list of names updated. No rescues have been made since Tuesday, but the search and rescue work continues. According to the City of Joplin, more than 600 volunteers and more than 50 dog teams are working today...

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