
Monday, February 28, 2011

HYDRO-NET Project : San Fransisco Futuristic City in 2018

How do you see San Fransisco in 2018 ? Apparently IwamotoScott Architects has a totally futuristic vision of San Fransisco that made them won $10,000 grand prize in the City of The Future contest. Their winning entry was a Hydro-Net concept that includes a ?Geothermal Mushroom? at located on the top of Bernal Hill and a ?Fog Flower? on Ocean Beach. Here?s their full series of Hydro-Net concept illustrations.HYDRO-NET provides an underground arterial traffic network for hydrogen-fueled hover-cars, while simultaneously collecting, storing and distributing water and power tapped from existing aquifer and geothermal sources beneath San Francisco.

At key waterfront and neighborhood locales, HYDRO-NET emerges to form linkages between the terrestrial and subterranean worlds. Here new architectures bloom as opportunistic urban caves and outcroppings, fostering new social spaces and densified urban forms, fed by the resources and connectivity provided by HYDRO-NET.

future city hydro net

future city hydro net

What a stunning vision, San Fransisco already become one of the greenest cities in the US, but this vision totally remake San Fransisco into ecotopia in 2018.

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