
Thursday, December 29, 2011


Well you know that it's going to be alright.        
I think it's gonna be alright.        
Everything will always be alright.            
When we go shopping....       

I used to be a champion shopper. I liked them all, from the department to the discount stores. My car seemed to automatically swerve towards a WalMart if there was one on the way to my destination. I knew the layout of the mall and every store within.I don’t know when it changed but something happened and shopping didn’t seem as much fun anymore. It could be the lengthy lines of people waiting to get out of the store. Often it takes longer to get out of the store than to do the whole shopping tour. Or maybe it’s the apathy of the store personnel. Then again, it could just be the rudeness of people in general. Whatever the reason, I just don’t like to go much anymore.

This year most of my Christmas shopping was done online. It was so much easier to sit in the chair, click a few times then have whatever delivered to my door, or at least to my husband’s office than to go out hunting and fighting the crowds. It worked really well until I messed up and accidentally had things delivered to an old address on one account. The stuff went to another town. Luckily, the people living in the house knew my name and delivered everything to my daughter!
Maybe not having a willing shopping partner has taken some of the joy out of my quest. There were times, years ago, that my friend Debbie and I could stay in a small town WalMart for two or three hours, just looking at ‘stuff’! But there’s nobody to shop with nowadays. My husband would rather go to the dentist than take a trip to a mall! Now make it Academy or Tractor Supply and he’s a world class shopper! Sometimes my daughter will go with me. Otherwise, I’m on my own. I really don’t mind shopping by myself, most of the time. I can take my time, look at what I want, for as long as I want, try on, dawdle, and generally, just do my thing! But it’s fun, with the right companion, to shop away!

After all the Christmas visitors left, we (my husband and son and I) decided to take an impromptu shopping trip. My oldest son is a great shopping buddy. He could win a prize in the shopping Olympics! So we got a hotel room, piled in the car and took off to San Antonio for a shopping day. We were up relatively early the next morning and headed to an outdoor mall called The Shops at La Cantera. It’s semi upscale, with Neiman Marcus (a good store for me to walk right through) to Macy’s. In fact, we even saw a Payless Shoes there so there’s something for everyone. There happened to be a Bass Pro Shop down the way and an Omnimax theater, so Alan just dropped us off and our fun began. We were looking for bargains and we found a few!
The Shops at La Cantera
Perhaps my favorite treasure was a faux fur coat in a leopard print. Why? Because I could I guess! It was 85% off the regular price. As my sister always says, I couldn’t afford not to! Bryce thinks it’s hideous. And it could be, but I’ll wear it anyway. It’s just for fun. And when I’m in the nursing home I’ll make sure to wear it whenever he comes for a visit!
Fake leopard and I love it!

Quite the haul!
We found a lot of things and had a good lunch. That was our recharge and we went until we couldn’t go anymore. There were so many stores and not enough time! Seriously, even if we had taken another day and night, we still would not have seen everything. Finally, with both of us near exhaustion, and Alan Bass Pro’d and Imaxed out, we headed home. One stop at Rudy’s Barbeque and four and a half hours later, we were snuggled deep in our beds with visions of bargains floating in our heads! It was a good trip.

So shutup 
And never stop. 
Let's shop 
Until we drop...

After that little jaunt my shopping interest is renewed! Of course, I’ll have to wait until I’m in another town because Odessa is severely lacking. One thing I did (sadly) miss out on is the “Happy New Year and Sale” at The Tinsmith's Wife in Comfort, Texas. All their yarn is discounted 25% throughout the rest of 2011 (Wednesday, 12/28, through Saturday, 12/31). That place is one of my all time favorite yarn shops. Their selection is unbelievable. But I really don’t need any yarn anyway. (What? Who said that?) So it wasn’t a big deal. I didn’t have a project in mind and I would have bought yarn so it saved me some money! (Insert a small sob here.)

Speaking of projects, I had a Christmas knitting success! Ty’s friend Jenni, came home with him for the holidays. He had requested a rainbow scarf for her so I knitted one. It was fun and turned out pretty nice. I decided to add buttons on the end so that she could button and loop it, making an infinity or eternity scarf, or leave it unbuttoned and wear as a regular scarf. That’s about the only Christmas knitting I did this year and I’m sure glad I did! She liked it.
Wrapped three times
Up close of buttons. Crocheted loops to fasten
Worn like a regular scarf
Buttoned and looped twice
It's never enough 
Until you've got all the stuff.
When the going gets rough 
Just shop with somebody tough...

The Last Lift Off Of Space Shuttle Atlantis

On July 8, space shuttle Atlantis was the last to blast off from launch pad 39A at Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Fla., marking the end of the 30-year-old space shuttle program.

The Space Shuttle Atlantis (Orbiter Vehicle Designation: OV-104) is a retired Space Shuttle orbiter in the Space Shuttle fleet belonging to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the spaceflight and space exploration agency of the United States. Atlantis was the fourth operational (and the next-to-the-last) Space Shuttle to be constructed by the Rockwell International company in Southern California, and it was delivered to the John F. Kennedy Space Center in eastern Florida in April 1985. Atlantis was the only orbiter which lacked the ability to draw power from the International Space Station while docked there; it had to continue to provide its own power through fuel cells.

The last mission of Atlantis was STS-135, the last flight before the Shuttle program ended. This final flight was authorized by President Barack Obama in October 2010, to bring additional supplies to the International Space Station and take advantage of the processing performed for the Launch on Need mission, which would only have been flown in the event that Endeavour's STS-134 crew required rescue. Atlantis launched successfully for the final time on 8 July 2011 at 16:29 UTC, landing at the John F. Kennedy Space Center on 21 July 2011 at 09:57 UTC. By the end of its final mission, Atlantis had orbited the Earth 4,848 times, traveling nearly 126 million miles in space or more than 525 times the distance from the Earth to the Moon.

Atlantis was named after RV Atlantis, a two-masted sailing ship that operated as the primary research vessel for the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution from 1930 to 1966. The 460-ton ketch carried a crew of 17 and had room for 5 scientists.

Streams of smoke trail from the main landing gear tires as space shuttle Atlantis touches down on Runway 33 at the Shuttle Landing Facility at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida after 11 days in space, completing the 4.5-million-mile STS-129 mission on orbit 171. On STS-129, the crew delivered 14 tons of cargo to the International Space Station, including two ExPRESS Logistics Carriers containing spare parts to sustain station operations.

Atlantis departs Edwards on cross-country journey

The Space Shuttle Atlantis, mounted on top of NASA's 747 Shuttle Aircraft Carrier, takes off from Edwards Air Force Base, Calif. early Sunday morning. The shuttle ferry flight ends Atlantis' nine-day visit to Edwards after landing on June 22. (NASA photo by Carla Thomas)

The Tungurahua Volcano Erupts

The Tungurahua Volcano erupts as seen from the town of Juive Grande, Ecuador, on November 28, 2011. Authorities in Ecuador upgraded a possible eruption warning from yellow to orange, as the activity of the volcano raised suddenly.

Tungurahua (5,023 m) is located in the Cordillera Oriental of the Andes of central Ecuador, 140 kilometres (87 mi) south of the capital Quito. Nearby notable mountains are Chimborazo (6,267 m) and El Altar (5,319 m). It rises above the small thermal springs town of Baños de Agua Santa (1,800 m) which is located at its foot 8 km to the north. Other nearby towns are Ambato (30 km to the northwest) and Riobamba (30 km to the southwest). Tungurahua is part of the Sangay National Park.

Recent volcanic activity

In 1999, after a long period of quiescence, the volcano entered an eruptive phase that continues to this day (as of December 2011).

The renewed activity in October 1999 produced major ashfall and led to the temporary evacuation of more than 25,000 inhabitants from Baños and the surrounding area (El Comercio 1999). Activity continued at a medium level until May 2006, when activity increased dramatically, culminating in violent eruptions on 14 July 2006 and 16 August 2006. The 16 August 2006 eruption has been the most violent since activity commenced in 1999. This eruption was accompanied by a 10 km high ash plume which spread over an area of 740 by 180 km (IG-EPN 2006, [4]), depositing ash and tephra to the southwest of the volcano. Several pyroclastic flows were generated that killed seven people, and destroyed a number of hamlets and roads on the eastern and northwestern slopes of the volcano (El Comercio 2006). The seven people who died were a family of five and two scientists.

A further eruption and evacuation occurred on 4 December 2010. Ecuador's National Agency of Risk Control issued a "red alert", later downgraded to orange. The Ecuadorean Institute for Geophysics reported a rapid increase in seismic activity, a number of explosions and an ash cloud reaching 2 kilometres (1.2 mi) in height. Article source: wikipedia

Steve Jobs Biography Hits Shelves

An employee arranges the book Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson, at a Barnes & Noble in New York City on Oct. 24, 2011.

Jobs, who co-founded Apple Inc. and died Oct. 5, told Isaacson his opinions on competitors, including Google Inc. and Microsoft Corp., and of his struggles with cancer.

New Island Rising from Earth's Red Sea

Satellite Photo Shows New Island Rising from Earth's Red Sea

A plume rises from a new island in the Red Sea on Dec. 23, 2011 in this satellite view.

The Red Sea has a new inhabitant: a smoking island.

The island was created by a wild eruption that occurred in the Red Sea earlier this month. It is made of loose volcanic debris from the eruption, so it may not stick around long.

According to news reports, fishermen witnessed lava fountains reaching up to 90 feet (30 meters) tall on Dec. 19, which is probably the day the eruption began, said Erik Klemetti, a volcanologist at Denison University in Granville, Ohio.

Ash plumes were seen emanating from the spot  Dec. 20 and Dec. 22 by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA's Terra and Aqua satellites. The Ozone Monitoring Instrument  on NASA's Aura satellite detected elevated levels of sulfur dioxide, further indicating an eruption. By Dec. 23, what looked like a new island had appeared in the Red Sea off the west coast of Yemen.

"I am surprised about how quickly the island has grown," Klemetti, who writes Wired's Eruptions Blog, told OurAmazingPlanet.

The volcanic activity occurred along the Zubair Group, a collection of small islands that run in a roughly northwest-southeast line. The islands rise from a shield volcano (a kind of volcano built from fluid lava flows) and poke above the sea surface.

Scientists will keep a close eye on the new island to see if it has staying power.

"Many times the islands are ephemeral as they are usually made of loose volcanic debris, so they get destroyed by wave action quite quickly," Klemetti said. But the volcanic activity could outpace the erosion due to the wave action.

Newly emerging islands aren't unheard of. Other newly emerged islands include Surtsey off of Iceland, Anak Krakatau in the caldera of Krakatoa in Indonesia, and Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha`apai in Tonga in the South Pacific.

This story was provided by OurAmazingPlanet, a sister site to It was posted in yahoo

Saturday, December 24, 2011

'Twas The Night Before Christmas...

When all through the house, 
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.

When I was little we spent Christmas with my grandparents in Lubbock. We moved to Albuquerque when I was about three, and my parents always went ‘home’ for Christmas. Both sets of grandparents lived there so it worked out fine because we got to see everyone.

My dad’s mom, my grandmother, always said “Christmas Eve Gift” when we got there. Sometimes it was in the middle of the night but if it was Christmas Eve, that’s what she said in greeting, as soon as we walked through the door.

I never knew what it meant. I thought it was just one of those weird Grandmother things that she did and said. Later, when Grandmother and Granddaddy were no longer around to celebrate Christmas with, we still said it. It didn’t matter if we were at my house, my mom’s or my brother’s, that was the first thing said when someone arrived. It was kind of a joke to Grandmother I guess.

One year, on a knitting list I’m a part of, one of the ladies posted about Christmas Eve Gift. I was surprised! All this time I thought it was just something in our family, so I checked it out on the Internet. (I really don’t know what people did before the Internet. That’s my main source of information!) Anyway, I found out there is a custom, more often than not dealing with gifts, centered on the saying, “Christmas Eve Gift.”

I still remember Grandmother, happy to see us, saying Christmas Eve Gift. I remember walking through the garage, to the back door, and the smell of her house as we came in from the long trip. I remember her having the beds ready, pallets on the floor for us kids, and the warmth and comfort that was offered.

We don’t give or get an extra gift for being the first to say Christmas Eve Gift in our family. I know now what the gift was, as we came through the door and she called out, “Christmas Eve Gift” and we said it back. It’s the gift of being with those you love. It’s the gift of family, together at Christmas.

Remember, the things you get and give this year, the material things, are just that; things. And they will soon be forgotten. The best gift of Christmas is the gift of yourself, spending time with those who mean the most. That’s the gift that will be cherished and remembered, for the rest of time.

The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, 
In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there...

I found this poem, written by Howard Epstein. I adapted it...just a little, just for fun. Enjoy!

A Knitter’s Christmas 

‘Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house, 
 Knitting needles were clicking, by way of my spouse, 
Knit one, purl one, and yarn over too, 
Her fingers were flying, so much left to do, 
A ski hat for Ty, a warm scarf for Jen, 
A sweater for Bryce, He’ll start a new trend! 
A silk shawl for Judi, some argyles for Dad, 
A knit toy for Caleb, that loquacious lad,
I watch her with wonder, as objects appear, 
Some flowers, a castle, a river, a deer, 
An edging, a ruffle, are done in a whiz, 
She’s painting with yarn, like the artist she is, 
Her patterns are perfect, there’s never a glitch, 
And I know she is knitting, a kiss in each stitch, 
I think that all knitters, who labor away, 
Giving joy unto others, must feel good every day, 
Her needles stop clicking, nothing more left to do, 
So I sit down and say, “Merry Christmas to you” 
And to all who are knitters, may I say with delight, 
“Merry Christmas To All, And To All A Good Night!” 

But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight, 
"Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good-night!"

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


What you making? Fruitcake! 
What you baking? Fruitcake! 
Candied cherries, red dye number two, 
Green cherries? Green ones too! 
It’s fruitcake! It’s fruitcake! 

Fruitcake. The very word conjures up a variety of images. There’s that crazy person in the office down the hall. There’s the guy on the corner who barks when you go by because he thinks he’s a dog. And there’s the heavy, neon colored fruit embedded, full of nuts, rum soaked cake that one receives at Christmas.
Hear the Fruitcake song!
There are two distinct opinions when it comes to fruitcake: Those who like fruitcake, and those who loathe it. I happen to like fruitcake. If you don’t like fruitcake it’s probably because you’ve never tasted a good one.

My husband has a friend who gifts us with a fruitcake every year. It comes from Collin Street Bakery in Corsicana, Texas, and it’s wonderful! We get their world-famous DeLuxe® Fruitcake. They bake it from their original recipe, developed in 1896. It’s chock full of fruit and nuts and it’s just good!

Collin Street Bakery
Deluxe Fruitcake

There are lots of jokes about fruitcake. You can use it like a brick, for a doorstop. You can build your biceps by using it as a weight. You can put a ribbon on it and give it to your boss. You can use it for self defense. Or you can just eat it.

All this talk about fruitcake has made me hungry. Since we scarfed our fruitcake up (my husband likes it too), before the relatives come in so we didn’t have to share, it’s all gone. After thinking about it I remembered my grandmother and mother both used to make fruitcake. I was sure I had the family recipe so I started digging around and sure enough I found it. I’d like to share it with you.

The Ultimate Fruitcake Recipe 

You'll need the following:
  • 1 cup butter 
  • 1 cup sugar 
  • 4 large eggs 
  • 2 cups dried fruit (I used one carton of candied fruit) 
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda 
  • 1 teaspoon salt 
  • 1 cup brown sugar 
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice 
  • 4 cups nuts (pecans or walnuts) 
  • 1 bottle of good quality rum 

NOTE: Rum may be replaced with your favorite beverage.

Directions: Sample the rum to check for quality.

Find a large bowl. Check the rum again. To ensure it is the highest quality, pour one level cup and drink. Repeat. Turn on the electric mixer, beat one cup of butter in a large fluffy bowl. Add one teacup of sugar and beat again.

Make sure the rum is still okay. Cry another tup. Turn off the mixer. Break two leggs and add to the bowl and chuck in the dried fruit. Mix on the turner. If the fried druit gets stuck in the beaterers, pry it loose with a drewscriver.

Sample the rum to check for tonsisticity. Next, sift two cups of salt. Or something. Who cares? Check the rum. Now sift the lemon juice and strain your nuts. Add one table. Spoon. Of sugar or something. Whatever you can find.

Grease the oven. Turn the cake tin to 350 degrees. Don't forget to beat off the turner. Throw the bowl out of the window, check the rum again and go to bed.

It sounds great! I’m trying it tonight. By the way, it's supposedly impossible to age a fruitcake too long. If it’s stored in an airtight container and basted occasionally with liquor, it'll keep indefinitely. Of course you’ll need to make sure it’s quality liquor before basting.

Pecans or walnuts, Citrus peel, lots of stuff, 
Add what you feel! 
Sticks of butter, cinnamon, Mo-molasses, lots of dark rum, 
Artificial color, artificial flavor, 
If your family don’t want it, 
Give it to a neighbor! 
It’s fruitcake! 
It’s fruitcake! 

My friend made a crocheted candy cane for my tree. Pretty, huh!

Here’s a picture of my cute miniature snowman tea set. Just the right size if you don’t like fruitcake!
 Fruit cake! Heavy as lead. 
Fruitcake!If it hits in the head! 
Fruit cake!It could kill you dead! 
It’s Fruitcake! 
Yeah, fruitcake!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

porsche car 4 door

porsche car 4 door

porsche car 4 door

porsche car 4 door

porsche car 4 door

porsche car 4 door

red porsche car

red porsche car

red porsche car

red porsche car

red porsche car

red porsche car

Friday, December 16, 2011

Anti-government protesters celebrate inside Tahrir Square Feb. 11

Anti-government protesters celebrate inside Tahrir Square Feb. 11 after Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak bowed to pressure from 18 days of protests and resigned, handing power over to the army.

A child holds a poster denouncing Egypt's president, Hosni Mubarak, alongside dozens of other protestors near the Egyptian embassy in Sarajevo on Jan. 31.

A man carries a child during protests against Egyptian President Haosni Mubarak in Cairo, Egypt, on Jan. 31.

2012 Guinness World Record title for the Dog With The Longest Ears

Dog With The Longest Ears - 2012 Guinness World Record winner

Harbor, an 8-year-old coonhound from Bolder, Colorado, displays his ears after winning the 2012 Guinness World Record title for the Dog With The Longest Ears. His left ear is 12.25 inches long and his right, 13.5.

Dallas Mavericks Beat the Miami Heat

Dallas Mavericks team rejoices in their NBA championship 2011.

Dirk Nowitki raises the Larry O'Brien trophy as he celebrates with his Dallas Mavericks teammates and team owner, Mark Cuban, over their 105-95 win against the Miami Heat in Game Six of the 2011 NBA Finals June 12 in Miami.

Comic Celebrities

Comic celebration attract fans

Two attendees of Comic-Con face off on July 22. The annual convention in San Diego, Calif., attracts fans, filmmakers, celebrities and enthusiasts alike (often in costume) throughout its five-day run each July.

The cast of Samurai Power Rangers greet fans at the 2011 Comic-Con International July 24 in San Diego, Calif.

Traffic Stopping Snow

Remarkable snow hit Chicago's Lake Shore Drive Feb. 2 that caused traffic of hundred of the car in the road.

 A 13-month-old helps her mom shovel snow in Cohassett, Mass., on Feb. 1.

An historic blizzard stranded hundreds of drivers for up to 12 hours on Chicago's Lake Shore Drive Feb. 2.

The Breaking Dawn - Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner

The Breaking Dawn - Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner

 The Twilight stars aren't afraid to get their hands dirty! Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner hold hands as they make their marks on the Hollywood Walk of Fame outside Grauman's Chinese theater on Nov. 3.

Breaking Dawn' Trio

The Twilight dream team goes glam! Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner smile for the cameras the U.K. premiere of Breaking Dawn -- Part 1 in London on Nov. 16.

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