
Thursday, November 25, 2010

Abt Sportsline pictures

Volkswagen Golf GTI V and I by Abt  Sportsline

ABT is looking to hear from owners of all types of cars, including the Golf Breitbau and the DKW F12.

General Manager Hans-Jürgen Abt said, "With the approaching anniversary the longing has grown to see some family members again, who have left us over the years."

Volkswagen Golf GTI V and I by Abt  Sportsline

The owner of the "best car will receive a unique prize, which is not on any price list." You will have the best chance of winning if your car is as true to its original form as possible. The company says, "the more ABT there is inside, the better the chance of victory." The owner will also get an overnight stay in the Allgäu region of Germany, and a tour of ABT's facilities hosted by Hans-Jürgen Abt and his partner/brother/racecar driver Christian Abt.

Volkswagen Golf GTI V and I by Abt  Sportsline

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