
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Next Batman Movie called "The Dark Knight Rises", New Villain, No Riddler

Batman Logo

Many rumors are circulating about the next Batman movie. Many people say the next villain will be the Riddler and the film will be made in 3D. You also think like that? Oops ... you are wrong....
The next Batman film will be titled The Dark Knight Rises. In this film the villain is not the Riddler and not 3D formatted but high-definition and IMAX.That statement made by Christopher Nolan (Batman Begins & The Dark Knight Director) in a new interview over at Hero Complex. 
"It won't be the Riddler. We'll use many of the same characters as we have all along, and Some We'll be introducing new ones, " Nolan said, without revealing any names.
The Riddler

The Dark Knight Rises will go into production next year and is slated to hit Theaters in the summer of 2012. You wonder who the next enemy in The Dark Knight Rising? We'll see ...

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