
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Laptop Designs

You Can Keep D-Roll Laptop Inside A Tube

D-roll is a next generation concept laptop design which is way distinctive from usual laptops in both shape and function. The long tube shape of this laptop, which was inspired from the storage tubes that artists are using for storing large drawings, eliminates perception of the traditional book looking laptops. This multifunctional laptop has two working modes. When it is operating in full function mode, the laptop is unfolded completely and all peripherals are turned on. The main display is turned off and a smaller screen, attached with main body is turned on allowing the users to check and send mails when D-roll is under email mode. VC is a helpful add-on for capturing pictures or videos and Locking System can provide certain security to the laptop.

Moonlight Laptop Concept with Dual Curved Screens

Moonlight laptop is just a concept yet but it is possible to make it today since all the technologies are already exists. The uniqueness of this concept design is the duel curved screens, bigger one of 16:9 and other one with 4:3, which reduces eye stress by maintaining an average distance from the eye to the laptop screen. The lower display is a touch screen and can work as a mouse or run a mini OS in the background, or just as an annex of the bigger one. The frame is sensor controlled and lights up in dark and has a pair of long legs to lifting the laptop and proper placing of the keyboard.
Freescale Modular Netbook Based on ARM Technology

Portable workbooks with various features and brands are ever-increasingly popping up everyday and designers are still looking to introduce more functional gadgets. Smartbook is a concept design by Freescale who has specially made six prototypes with a wide range of features. These modular mini-notebooks are based on ARM processors and emphasize on enhanced super-long battery life in order to fit in different usage patterns. These compact smartbooks, with brilliant look, durable made and great functionality, will meet the growing need of handy ultra-portables with all the required attributes and ambience. These concepts didn’t get a hardware version yet but are expecting to adapt quite a big part of portable gadget markets.

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