
Friday, December 31, 2010

Mono Is A Perfect Kettle For Single User To Enjoy Hot Beverages Efficiently

The Mono kettle is designed to save energy and time when preparing hot beverages for single users, eliminating the possibility of pouring more water than needed by featuring a kettle with an isolated mug that can be used for both heating and drinking. Heating is done by the incorporated induction system that turns on by turning the mug to its desired heating level. After heating, the control ring will get back to the off mode. The kettle features two modes, first one is up to the boiling point for preparing tea and another is called eCO mode where water is heated up to 80 degree Celsius that is enough for preparing coffee and most other hot beverages. The mug can be safely hold right after the drink is prepared with the safest holding position indicating contours on the ceramic surface.

Philips AirFryer Uses Hot Air To Cook Your Food

When you watch “The Biggest Loser” episodes, you’ll know that eating deep fried food is one of the biggest sins for the contestants. What about air fried food? Is this a healthy option? Well, according to Philips, their new AirFryer product uses Rapid Air Technology to cook the kind of meals that would traditionally be dunked in a deep fat fryer. Philips claims that using this technology to fry food, you’ll get brown crispy foods with up to 80% less fat. Philips AirFryer works by circulating air up to 200C around foods, it’s oil free and far healthier. How does the food taste? Well, you have to try it to know it. You can pre-order this cooking machine at Philips’ website.

The Airfryer is a revolution in home cooking that uses little or no oil as it fries. Airfryer uses patented Rapid Air technology to circulate hot air around a grill component, creating delicious meals with up to 80% less fat. Whether it’s perfect French fries, crispychicken nuggets, delicately browned meat or golden pastries, food is cooked and crisped to perfection, all in just twelve minutes.

Design By Dofft

Dish Dryer Design by Matias Conti

Even the movement of waves can be a great inspiration for Matias Conti. This industrial designer has designed an attractive dish dryer with wave-shaped structure to help draining the water faster while holding the plates, glasses as well as spoons. He says that every line in this sexy dish dryer can change itsposition and size enhancing the visual dynamism. It is designed with a special shaped lip to allow you to add as many dryers as needed by only clipping one over another.

Design by dofft

Lacie S2.0 : Sleek and Stackable External Hard Drive Design

This sleek and sexy external hard drive is designed by Pedro Gomes and aimed for professionals. Lacie S2.0 is not just your traditional “box” shaped hard drive, it offers modern design with its clean and soft lines that break the tradition of plain square box external hard drive’s body. It features a screen display at the front to inform you how much free space you have left as well as the hard drive’s name. You can use this gadget as a solo product, but the stackablefeature offers great solution for data partition. It is easier to organized the data from thecolor codes or the disk name displayed on the screen. At the back of Lacie S2.0, there are 2 USB 3.o ports that allow connectivity between drives. The top docking area and the base are constructed from soft touch material to create better material friction when docking several units.

Design by dofft

This Looks Like A December Day…

This looks like a "time to remember" day.
And I remember the spring, such a sweet tender thing.

It’s the last day of December. It’s New Year’s Eve. It’s the end of the old year and the beginning of a fresh new one. New Year cookies!

It’s a time of reflection. A time to think about what could have, should have been. It’s a time to realize some things will never happen. And maybe it’s a time to realize there’s a reason they don’t.

And love's summer college,
Where the green leaves of knowledge,
Were waiting to fall with the Fall.

It’s also a time to reflect on the changes and improvements one strives to make. It’s a new time, the slate wiped clean. It’s time to resolve to do better, do more, do something. Resolution cookies.

I can’t say 2010 was a bad year. But there were certainly some down times. And I expect 2011 to be the same. It’s natural.
Bryce under the lighted trees in Johnson City.
Johnson City, Texas, court house grounds.
But I’ll look forward, wish for the best, and do what I can to make it a happy new year. There’s always hope.
 And where September wine,
Numbed the measure of time.
Through the tears of October, now November's over,
And this looks like a December day.

The end of December is the end of my third strip. It’s the fall strip in the series. It seems shorther than the others but I haven’t really measured. When I do I’ll let you know! Day 271, December 27, brought contentment. Things had gone well, everyone traveled safely. It was also a little hurried. We were going on a whirlwind trip to Austin. Alan had a workshop and Bryce and I had to go shop! We ate German in Fredericksburg and then got to go to Ikea. That’s a treat in itself. The night was finished with Kirby Queso then on to the hotel for a night of snoring. Apparently we all do it, or so they say. I have my doubts. I chose a blue and white wool blend that I’m making a cowl out of. Day 272, December 28, was a hurried day. There’s so much shopping to be done and so little time! Bryce and I went shopping while Alan was learning. I have to say he’s the best shopping buddy I have. He’s not afraid to go to new places and we like the same thing. He doesn’t whine that he’s tired but he does get grouchy if you don’t feed him! We found some good things and had fun. I did anyway! The trip home was uneventful. Stopped at Coopers and ate more than our share of meat. Then I slept almost the rest of the way home. Kind of getting sick I think. I chose red sparkly yarn. It was a good day. Day 273, December 29, was a pleasant day. It was another fast shopping trip day. We hit the thrift stores for fun and found a few treasures. There was an orphan hand knit sweater I rescued. It will become something else. I just couldn’t bear for it to sit on a rack alone knowing the lover that went into it. I chose some yarn from the sweater. It’s black with blue, pink and yellow interweaved throughout. It’s pretty yarn and was a pretty sweater. Very well made. Next is day 274, December 30 It’s a bittersweet day. The time passed so quickly. It’s time for Bryce to go back to Europe. There’s a great party he needs to attend! Ah, to be young and have no cares. It was hard, but not as hard for me this time. I know he misses us and I wasn’t so sure the first time! I chose a gold ribbon yarn. It’s for the golden times we had for the holiday and it called to me today. Day 275 is the last day for this strip! It’s December 31, a relaxed day. I’m most likely in pj’s for the day. The great plans for the evening will be to stay awake! Ha ha. We don’t have any Champagne but there’s plenty of other ‘spirits’ so if necessary I’ll console myself. I chose a Noro that has some purple, turquoise, green and gold in it. It’s going to be a new year, the beginning again. Maybe I won’t make the same mistakes. Maybe.
This looks like a December day.
It looks like we've come to the end of the way.
And this looks like a December day.

Origin Is The Ultimate Food Cultivator For The Future Mankind

Growing vegetables in the backyard or in front of the house is always a common and enthusiastic hobby among a range of people. Many people find this hobby an appreciable one, and others consider this as a total waste of time and energy. But now, its time to rethink.

The most crucial problem the future civilization is going to face is the scarcity of food. Meat and fish would probably be forgotten lot before due to the global environmental disaster and fruits and vegetables are the only food alternative mankind can rely which would also become hard to be produced due to the shortage of cultivating land and the unstable weather condition. Origin, an indoor farm concept, has been designed to tackle such condition by being able to produce vegetables and fruits and lessen the massive storage requirement for those. This compact and stylish capsule resembles a lot with our existing storage water purifier which can take seeds and substrates of the user’s preference as inputs and cultivate the particular item they want.

Win A TokyoFlash Futuristic Watch of Your Choice!

Tuvie in association with Tokyoflash, a groundbreaking Japan based watchmanufacturer, has arranged a competition where everyone will get the chance to win a fantastic watch from TokyoFlash. As a token of our profound gratuity for the utmost loyalty of our valuable readers, this initiative could really be another milestone of our bond of over years in web. A winner will be able to select one from the wide range of futuristic watches available in the TokyoFlash store. We hope, this early Christmas present not only will give the winner a sophisticated position among his/her friends and family with unique style, also willcreate a feel of being together among all other readers of our site.

The best commenter will be announced as the winner and will get the chance of selecting a watch which will be delivered directly on the designated address. The competition will last for the next three days and the winner will be declared on Monday of the subsequent week.

When commenting, place the same name that you are using to follow Tuvie as well as Tokyoflash on Twitter so that we can easily identify you. Tuvie and TokyoFlash reserve the complete authority to select a comment as the best. So, be creative!

UPDATE : The winner of this competition is Mei. Please get back to us with your complete address and your pick of TokyoFlash watch.

Skylifter Can Move Nearly Anything To Anywhere

In the future, we can literally move a building from one place to another. SkyLifter a buoyant aircraft makes it possible to vertically raise and set down payloads, almost anything and anywhere. This piloted dirigible gas balloon system is not designed to fly as fast as jets and rotor craft, instead its main function is the unique heavy airlift capability. Skylifter provides payload capability over 15 times the lifting capacity of an S-64 Skycrane helicopter. It can move a hospital/clinic to provide temporary full service facilities in remote locations or move aluxury resort in exotic places where permanent buildings are not permitted.

Text from the website about Skylifter design

We have been careful to make the design of SkyLifter as simple and low-cost as possible to build and operate, but without compromising performance or safety.

The design brings together many systems already proven and in use in industry. We have adapted them to our requirements and added some of our own innovations. The result is shorter development time, less cost and much less project risk.

For example, three key features of the design are:

  • The symmetrical discus (lenticular) aerostat (balloon) which removes the need for SkyLifter to turn to face into wind and greatly simplifies payload handling.
  • The even distribution of payload via the suspension lines which removes the need to build heavy and complex internal support structures.
  • The propulsion and directional control is provided by several cycloidal propeller systems, providing almost instant vectored thrust in the horizontal and vertical planes. The system also provides additional active automated stability control.

The vertical tube one sees connecting the aerostat and the pod is simply a flexible two-way service trunk for personnel and systems.

The design is quite different from what one may have seen before. Its simplicity-of-form may seem obvious now but it has taken many years of hard work and investment to create this overall package that delivers a practical and cost-effective turn-key solution.

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